Howdy Y’all!

I wasn’t always a ‘science person’, but after being moved to a second grade position, I found science… or science found me. It all started with a school garden (I love gardens and plants) and just snowballed from there. 

I received my BS degree from Texas Woman’s University and later moved on to receive my MEd in Science Curriculum and Instruction from The University of Texas at Arlington. This is my 29th year in education, and after two years as an interventionist, I’m returning to the regular classroom as a 5th grade science teacher. Yay!!

My goal is to help ‘reluctant’ science teachers feel more comfortable teaching science in the elementary classroom. Why do I say reluctant? Because that is the word that describes how I felt about teaching science early on in my career. I thought it was hard and that I didn’t know enough about it to teach it. However, once I embarked on this journey, I found how much kids love science and how fun it is to teach!

I’m Karen, I love teaching elementary science, and I’m here to empower other elementary school teachers in their science instruction.

Because… teaching science doesn’t have to be hard!